A Enterprise Solution Made-to-Measure

When we started with idea of creating a specialized enterprise solution for the freight forwarding industry four years back our first instinct was to begin with an assessment of the market conditions and the general perception on the prevailing technology solutions available then. The results threw up a gloomy picture of inefficiencies, stemming from the wanton waste of time and efforts and general chaos all around.

There was an assortment of solutions available in the market, designed to handle the various processes of the industry. Unfortunately, despite the automation efforts of the companies there was not much impact on their overall efficiency. Most of the work was still done in the same pace as manual process. In fact, many of the manual process that had become redundant were still being continued out of sheer habit, under the pretext of procedures and practices.

It then struck us that the industry was so engrossed in their mundane everyday activities that it has completely lost sight of the bigger picture. The entire point of using technology as tool for growth was being missed, defeating its very purpose. As a company that has been associated with the industry for over two decades it was obvious to us that an urgent and pertinent direction was necessary to prevent the industry from falling into further disarray.

Our view of creating a specialized enterprise solution was vindicated by our assessment and serious efforts began to design and develop a technology marvel that would be Made-to-Measure for the logistics industry. In a market crowded with enterprise applications, Logi-Sys was the first solution envisaged specially for logistics. Enormous efforts and meticulous planning undertaken by us has been fruitful in making the application one of its kind.

There are some fundamental criterion that have formed the foundation on which, the vast and feature-rich solution, Logi-Sys has been built like Integration of Operations, Quick Response and Access to Information, Business Intelligence, Track and Trace, Data Quality and Reduced Redundancy. With such a strong base, the solution has been able to deliver immense value to customers in terms of improved operational efficiency and customer service capabilities. This is the reason Logi-Sys has proved to be the most preferred technology solution for international logistics service providers.

Communcation and visibility have been among the key focus areas of Logi-Sys. The software has been designed to facilitate seamless flow of information across the enterprise with real-time information on every aspect available on demand. Logi-Sys wholly promotes inter-department and inter-operational visibility including visibility to the management. The easy and quick access to information is veritably the ingredient that the industry totally depends on for the efficient conduct of its business.

In all the success of Logi-Sys has been the fundamentals it has been built upon and the fact that it is a solution that has been Made-to-Measure for the industry. The small idea, conceived around four years back, has grown into a huge success, delighting and enthusing many logistics companies. It has forced many companies out of their self-induced slumber and has managed to rekindle their interest in leveraging technology as a tool for accelerated growth.

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